The digitization of life turned out to be both necessary and salutary for maintaining the continuity of functioning of societies and individuals during the pandemic. Meetings with people were mostly held remotely, as were medical and legal consultations or shopping. And although tools for online communication were known before 2020, their heyday and widespread use fell on the years of the pandemic crisis. Today, digitization is largely associated with all spheres of human life, including those that relate to the creation of close interpersonal relationships. The aim of the article is to present the conclusions of scientific considerations on the psychological aspects of interpersonal communication in romantic relationships in the context of the digitization of life. Models and dimensions of communication in romantic relationships and their importance for human functioning are presented. Some psychological aspects of interpersonal communication at three stages of a romantic relationship are discussed, i.e. creating a new, close relationship in the network, duration of the relationship in the digital reality and ending the romantic relationship.
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