Delta Questionnaire – adaptation of the instrument on a group of people with mild intellectual disability and a preliminary analysis of its psychometric properties


intellectual disability
locus of control
tool adaptation

How to Cite

Wójciak, A. (2023). Delta Questionnaire – adaptation of the instrument on a group of people with mild intellectual disability and a preliminary analysis of its psychometric properties. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 55(3), 185-192. Retrieved from


The aim of the presented research was an adaptation of Delta Questionnaire by Radosław Drwal in the group of people with mild intellectual disability and in the group of adolescents within the intellectual norm, as well as a preliminary analysis of its psychometric properties. The tool enables measurement of locus of control understood as a personality dimension (Drwal, 1995). The questionnaire was subjected to psychometric verification in research involving adolescents (178 adolescents with mild intellectual disability and 179 within the intellectual norm). The choice of respondents was arbitrary. The research was carried out in the context of resilience theory. For this reason, the analysis included results obtained from adolescents who have experienced a variety of difficulties in the course of their life. What is more, students with mild intellectual disability diagnosed with a genetic syndrome and adolescents with multiple disabilities were excluded from the study. The first stage of work on the adaptation of the Delta Questionnaire was verification of descriptive statistics and distribution analysis. Then, a reliability analysis of subscales was carried out. For this purpose, due to the dichotomous nature of the answers in the questionnaire, the Kuder-Richardson method was used. The next stage of the research was a confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, the tool was standardized. The obtained results allow us to conclude that the Delta Questionnaire is a tool which enables reliable and accurate measurement of locus of control in a group of adolescents with mild intellectual disability.



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