Stages of Love on Life's Way
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philosophy of love
stages of existence

How to Cite

Ruczaj, S., & Ruczaj, J. (2020). Stages of Love on Life’s Way. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 7-19.


Danish philosopher S. Kierkegaard is well known for his conception of stages or spheres of existence – the aesthetic, the ethical and the religious. In this paper, we try to relate this theme to his original philosophy of love, which in recent decades has become the subject of special interest of researchers. The main goal of our paper is to answer the question: how is love - understood as the spiritual attitude of man in relation to his neighbor and God – manifested in particular stages of existence? In our analysis, we focus on the treatise Works of Love, and illustrate various forms of love by using biblical stories of Job and Abraham, as interpreted by Kierkegaard in Repetition and Fear and Trembling.
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