Internet as a Place for Establishing Interpersonal Relations. Social Groups in Cyberspace
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interpersonal relations
network society
internet groups

How to Cite

Jastrzębska, J. (2020). Internet as a Place for Establishing Interpersonal Relations. Social Groups in Cyberspace. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 92-100.


The Internet is an inseparable element of modern man's life. The wide range of possibilities of its use causes that the Internet network accompanies people in almost every area of their functioning - from communication, through education, work, to entertainment. The Internet consists of diverse environments with various uses. One of its most important properties is the social dimension of the network. The Internet allows for establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships that can take various forms. Websites, e-mail, forums, and discussion groups are components of networks that enable information exchange and communication. The issue of interpersonal relations is interesting for psychologists for several reasons. Differences in the form of contact, the ability to experiment with online identity, types, and dynamics of groups are some of the determinants of relationships with other network users. This article aims to present the issues of communication on the Internet, the possibilities offered by this medium, the issues of creating own identity by users, and processes that are observable in groups (e.g. social conformism, polarization effect). Internet space is a place of constant changes that affect human functioning, which is why it is important to expand knowledge in this area.

Keywords: Internet, interpersonal relations, network society, internet groups
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