The concordance of family goals with the ego relative to men’s commitment to family roles
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engagement in the family; men; self-concordance;

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Łokczewska, J. (2020). The concordance of family goals with the ego relative to men’s commitment to family roles. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 101-113.


The article concerns engagement of  men in family roles. To examine ­the relationship between self-concordance of family goals and engagement in family roles a study was conducted which involved 100 men aged 26 to 56 who had  at least one child up to the age of 12. Personal Projects Method by Little (1993) and a measure of goal self-concordance by Sheldon and Kasser (1995) were used. Engagement in family roles was measured using the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES; Schaufeli, Bakker, 2003) after adjusting the items to the area of family. A  positive correlation was found  between internal motivation of family goals and engagement in family roles within the dimension of dedication  to the family. No relationship was found between external motivation and engagement of men in family roles. The results of the study may be of significance for a better understanding of men’s engagement in the family and sources of quality of their family life. The presented research provides new knowledge which can be used in psychoeducation, family support programs as well as in family therapy.
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