Dialogue and communication relative to the shaping ethical attitudes in children during classes conducted according to the V. Sherborne Developmental Movement Method
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pre-school education
Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement
J. Piaget's theory of moral development

How to Cite

Pokorska, M., Nowacka - Dobosz, S., & Gala - Kwiatkowska, A. (2020). Dialogue and communication relative to the shaping ethical attitudes in children during classes conducted according to the V. Sherborne Developmental Movement Method. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 165-175. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v42i2.281


Education in ethical behavior is part of the development of preschool children. The child learns ethical behavior from significant people in his life (parents, teachers). During this period, you need to understand the surrounding values ​​and social interactions through play. She passes from a characteristic of early childhood self-centeredness at the stage where she juxtaposes her needs with the needs of others in the context of accepted social behavior. Ethical attitudes of children are shaped as a result of educational departments. One of them is the method of the Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement (Sherborne Developmental Movement, abbreviated SDM), which plays the psychomotor development of children. In education, SDM offers the ability to understand and recognize the emotions and mental relationships of other people, cooperating with developing empathy and moral feelings, as well as learning to communicate their needs and understand the communication of other people. The value of the Developing Movement is that it is helpful in developing communication, which means that games take on new meanings for children. V. Sherborne's relational games ('with', 'against' and 'together') are an invaluable source of education for moral behavior. The set of tools for the theory of moral development of J. Piaget with the Developmental Movement Method is noticeable that SDM is a tool that can be used in any of the conditions to take into account moral development during verbal and non-verbal joining. Developing Movement, benefiting from location response and verbal feedback, read body language and respond to it, and evaluate communication in ethical situations difficult for children.

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