The polish version of the Affectionate Communication Index


affectionate communication, measurement, empathy, adult sibling relationship

How to Cite

Walęcka-Matyja, K. K. (2020). The polish version of the Affectionate Communication Index. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 151-164.


The aim of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Affectionate Communication Index (ACI). The study comprised 430 participants (61,63% females). Their age ranged from 18 to 36 years (M = 27,41; SD = 4,72). The following research tools were used: the Affectionate Communication Index (ACI), the Adult Siblings Relationship Questionnaire - short version (ASRQ-SF), the Empathic Sensitiveness Scale (ESS).

The results of exploratory factor analysis indicated the advisability of a two-factor solution in the Polish version of ACI, unlike in the original version, where a three-factor solution was implemented. The ACI factors showed highly reliable consistency, Cronbach’s α ranged from 0,89 to 0,93. In respect of affectionate communication some inter-gender differences were observed. The examined women obtained higher mean scores within the dimension of Support and nonverbal communication than men. To assess the external validity of ACI, the ASRQ and EES questionnaires were implemented. The obtained results confirm the external validity of the Polish adaptation of ACI.

Summing up, the results of the study suggest that the Polish version of ACI is a tool with good psychometric properties that allows a multidimensional measurement of the quality of affectionate communication in terms of Support and nonverbal communication and Verbal communication.


Key words: affectionate communication, measurement, empathy, adult sibling relationship


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