Valorisation of cultural heritage: byssus
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byssus, cultural heritage, weaving, museum

How to Cite

Wrześniak, M., & Biniecka-Popoli, M. (2020). Valorisation of cultural heritage: byssus. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 308-320.


Pinna nobis, a mollusc bivalve that could even reach 1m in height produces the burr that hardens on contact with water and is used to attach to the rocks of the seabed. Since ancient times, the byssus fiber extracted and processed was used thanks to its therapeutic powers in medicine, but most of all to produce fabrics of the highest quality. The ancient production of byssus was located between the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The fiber considered sacred was used to weave royal robes, ornaments, sacred vestments, etc. There are several written testimonials, including the Bible. Today, the only person capable of processing and weaving byssus remains Maestro Chiara Vigo. The enhancement of the fiber, its elaboration and, finally, weaving can remain alive, not to forget an ancient art, through adequate protection, by part of the Authorities, of the last Maestro Chiara Vigo who hands down to future generations the teaching of a millenary art related to the history and manufacture of byssus; also through museums, such as: Museum of Merceology of the Sapienza University of Rome, Vatican Museum, Museum der Kulturen in Basel, Louvre Museum in Paris, Museum of Pharmacy in Warsaw, Museum of the Kardynal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, and others , who are in possession of this precious material, cultural heritage is enhanced. Furthermore, the scientific development and the knowledge of the structure and properties of the byssus fiber allow the production of the materials used in the medicinal sector.
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