The polysemy of otherness in Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy
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Karpiński, P. (2020). The polysemy of otherness in Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 406-421.


The paper discusses the problem of otherness in terms of Paul Ricoeur. The valuable contribution of this French philosopher is not only the phenomenological description of the experience of otherness, but the search for its ontological principle in reference to Plato. As a result, his research is conducted in two planes: phenomenological and ontological one. The otherness is an ontological category which, together with identity, dialectically constitutes being. It then reveals itself in various passivity phenomena, of which Ricoeur discusses three: the own body, the other, and the conscience. The otherness is therefore polysemical and dialectical: it is a multitude of forms operating within the subject. Appreciating Ricoeur's contribution, we finally ask a few questions about his concept, especially regarding the passive nature of the experience of otherness and its closed catalog.
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