The children's right to the integral development of their own identity in the context of contemporary social and spiritual threats
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children's rights
protection of identity

How to Cite

Wiech, D. (2020). The children’s right to the integral development of their own identity in the context of contemporary social and spiritual threats. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 128-137.


The article aims to analyse the children's right to the integral development of their own identity. A holistic approach to the dimensions of faith and reason in children's lives is a fundamental aspect that shapes their personality: who they are and who they will be in the future. The article discusses the basic rights of children, which are threatened by deliberate actions by left-liberal circles, targeting the young European generation of the 21st century. The above-mentioned rights are the inalienable right to life, to integral upbringing in the family, and to reliable education in the school environment. In addition, the right to spiritual development in the complex, i.e. Christian, approach.
It should not be manipulated by eclecticism, scientism, historicism, and pragmatism.
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