Fertility awareness-based methods as a tool for preventive healthcare supporting diagnostic process of reproductive health disorders in opinion of women in reproductive age
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fertility awareness-based methods
health prophylaxis
reproductive health

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Stępkowska, J., & Przygodzka, J. (2020). Fertility awareness-based methods as a tool for preventive healthcare supporting diagnostic process of reproductive health disorders in opinion of women in reproductive age. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 211-222. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v43i3.307


Human fertility is one of the symptoms of health. The observation of biomarkers of fertility can be used as an additional one tool for women's health monitoring, especially for reproductive health. Fertility awareness methods are based on the observation of biomarkers of fertility. The main biomarkers are: basal body temperature, presence and characteristics of cervical mucus, physiological changes in the cervix. The article presents the results of research aimed at analyzing women's knowledge about fertility awareness methods and the possibility of using these methods tool for preventive healthcare supporting the diagnostic process of reproductive health disorders. The research was carried out using the diagnostic survey method based on the author's questionnaire. The study was conducted among 244 women in reproductive age. The obtained results confirm the increasing level of women's awareness of the determinants of human fertility and the possibility of using regular monitoring of the menstrual cycle and biomarkers of fertility for preventive healthcare supporting the diagnostic process of reproductive health disorders.

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