The role of breastfeeding in the development of endometriosis
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Maksym, R. B., & Mariańczyk, B. (2020). The role of breastfeeding in the development of endometriosis. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 364-372.


The pathogenesis of endometriosis depends on the interaction of environmental and genetic factors. Due to its high prevalence and major impact on quality of life and health, identifying important causative agents of endometriosis is a major public health concern. One of the interesting phenomena that undoubtedly influences the risk of endometriosis is breastfeeding. Pregnancy and lactation is an important element of the reproductive cycle that has a profound effect on the entire endocrine system of a woman, with long-lasting consequences. On the other hand, the possibility of feeding on the mother's food is the best source of nutrients for the baby, but also a signal that programs the body immunologically and epigenetically throughout its entire life. The concepts and scientific evidence linking breastfeeding with the risk and etiopathogenesis of endometriosis are presented below. Awareness of possible causal relationships in this field is crucial not only for the treatment of patients with endometriosis but also for building prophylactic strategies necessary to prevent this disease. The presented knowledge is also helpful for medical professionals participating in consulting and pro-health education of patients.
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