Center of comprehensive endometriosis treatment as a response to expectations of a particular group of patients.
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comprehensive treatment, endometriosis, infertility, pelvic pain syndrome, center of excellence

How to Cite

Maksym, R. B., & Ruta, H. (2020). Center of comprehensive endometriosis treatment as a response to expectations of a particular group of patients . Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 353-363.


Endometriosis is a disease that manifests itself as a complex set of clinical symptoms. Due to the diverse course and different expectations of patients, it requires comprehensive and interdisciplinary medical care. The statement that “endometriosis is the occurrence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterine cavity” does not reflect the complex nature and therapeutic difficulties associated with the disease. The lack of fully effective treatment options, frequent relapses, and possible complications are just some of the problems that can be encountered. Creating a network of reference centers focused on this disease is a recognized way to provide patients with endometriosis with adequate and effective care. Due to the specificity of endometriosis, primary and secondary health care is often associated with poor treatment results of this demanding group of patients. In contrast, the provision of care at the highest level in cooperation with specialists from various medical disciplines can be obtained in reference centers, thanks to the training of staff and the implementation of therapeutic protocols and guidelines. The ongoing evaluation of therapeutic outcomes lead to the opportunity of scientific research and novel, practical therapeutic strategies that serve best to patients. Ensuring adequate care for this demanding group of patients also requires the establishment of new health programs that provide adequate resources to fight the disease.
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