Selected issues of reproductive health formation disorders in girls. Is it worth to include cycle observation in medical practice? Part I. Natural course of puberty in girls – borders of physiology and pathology
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procreative health
menstrual cycle
fertility awareness methods

How to Cite

Ślizień Kuczapska, E., Smyczyńska, J., & Rabijewski, M. (2020). Selected issues of reproductive health formation disorders in girls. Is it worth to include cycle observation in medical practice? Part I. Natural course of puberty in girls – borders of physiology and pathology. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 285-302.


The basis for health literacy is – next to a healthy lifestyle and broadly defined prevention – observation signals flowing from one's own body. Many diseases and conditions of disturbed homeostasis of the body cause irregularities of menstrual cycle and disorders of puberty in girls. Fertility awareness methods (FAM), based on tracking selected biomarkers, are particularly useful for self-observation of the menstrual cycle and should become a tool in the daily work of physician, as well as an element of prevention of reproductive health disorders.  The paper discusses the basics of the physiology of puberty in girls and the development of menstrual cycles in first years after menarche, taking into account the differences from normal cycles in adult women and individual variability of maturation of the hypothalamus – pituitary – ovary axis in girls. Examples of cycle charting (observation cards) of adolescent girls are also presented. Preliminary recommendations regarding the correctness of the course of the menstrual cycle based on FAM give an opportunity for the physician to cooperate with the patient and the qualified practitioner of the selected method.
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