Family in the process of social changes. Multisexuality and a risk of demographic implosion
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family model

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Marianowicz-Szczygiel, A. (2020). Family in the process of social changes. Multisexuality and a risk of demographic implosion. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 69-87.


Family have patterns varied in different historical ages. Modern family statistics are alarmic (drop in marriage numbers, increase in divorces and the number of children born out of wedlock, decrease in the fertility rate) reveals the current qualitative and quantitative crisis of the family. Postmodern trends have added experimental forms of relationships never known in history before – such as polyamory, queer relationships, LAT, DINKY, GINK, LiL, sologamy, unloving - etc. – which are presented here consecutively. Sexuality is detached from relationship and love, and the family from relationships. This diversity has been described by means of two categories of monosexuality and multisexality, with the latter being largely supported and/or stimulated by technology and business, and hence labelled here as artificial multisexuality. Attention is drawn to the connection between the family type or sexuality type and demography.  Monogamic heterosexual marriage has named a golden standard. A demographic prognosis for Poland and an optimal model of pro-family social policy concludes the article.
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