Psychological and social risk factors for preterm birth
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preterm birth

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Mariańczyk, K., Libera, A., & Rosińska, P. (2020). Psychological and social risk factors for preterm birth. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 260-273.


The issue of preterm birth is important because the number of preterm births is still increasing, with the risk of developmental and disability disorders for the child and the experience of trauma for the child and mother. While medical risk factors for preterm delivery are quite well described in the literature, psychosocial determinants are still insufficiently researched. The aim of this study is to attempt a general, preliminary description of psychosocial factors. This is a prelude to research work that will address the various psychosocial variables associated with preterm birth.
A comprehensive analysis of these variables will help to plan precise actions to promote reproductive health and increase the level of primary prevention of preterm births.
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