Pregnancy and childbirth during COVID-19 pandemic: selected psychological aspects
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postpartum depression

How to Cite

Studniczek, A., & Kossakowska, K. (2020). Pregnancy and childbirth during COVID-19 pandemic: selected psychological aspects. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 274-284.


Pregnant women experience increased levels of stress, anxiety, worry about the health and life of their baby, the course of labor and possible complications. In addition, if a woman has
a history of complications, her pregnancy has a high-risk status, or if she experiences relationship problems or financial difficulties, the severity of anxiety is significantly higher. For example, Irish research shows that more than a half of women worry about their health all the time currently, although before the pandemic 83% of them were not worried about it. The anxiety is also not reduced by the fact that pregnant women suffering from COVID-19 did not require additional intensive hospital care and gave birth to healthy babies, and the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was not detected in their milk. At the same time, the suspension of family births caused an increase in anxiety, stress and greater pain intensity during labor, as well as more frequent ending with caesarean section. In many places all worldwide, mother and child are separated immediately after birth, and breastfeeding is also forbidden, which has many negative health effects, also due to the formation of the mother-child bond. Furthermore, all these difficulties a woman greatly increases the risk of postpartum depression or other psychiatric disorders.
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