Logotherapy and suicides: logotheory as useful conceptual framework for explanation and prevention of suicides, part 1.
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suicidal tendencies, will to meaning, logotherapy, suicide prevention

How to Cite

Ruczaj, J. (2020). Logotherapy and suicides: logotheory as useful conceptual framework for explanation and prevention of suicides, part 1. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 44(4), 322-333. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v44i4.420


The aim of this paper is to consider the relevance of Viktor Frankl's logotheory for understanding the condition of persons with suicidal tendencies. First, the assumptions of Frankl's logotheory are presented. Then, drawing on studies from the field of suicidology, we assess the relevance of Frankl's conclusions regarding existential frustration for the discussion of the specifics of the experience of a suicidal crisis. Comparative analysis allows for postulating a connection between one's self-image and one's system of values and the subjective experience of meaning. In the context of these observations, we discuss the legitimacy of using logotherapy as a form of suicide prevention.
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