The development of creativity in teacher candidates with the use of the design thinking methody
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design thinking

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Durkalevych, I. (2020). The development of creativity in teacher candidates with the use of the design thinking methody. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 44(4), 177-189.


Abstract: The article tackles the problem of teaching and developing creativity in teacher candidates. The aim of the article is to bring the attention of academic teachers to the necessity of introducing changes into the teaching process through the use of new teaching methods, i. a. design thinking method, which contributes to the development of studying individual’s creative competencies.

In the first part of the article, the author describes and indicates on the advantages of the design thinking method for the development of creativity in students in relation to the everyday teaching practice on the example of teaching psychology. The second part of the article includes the substantiation of the need to use this method in the process of higher education, based on the opinions of students.
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