Anthropological implications of visio beatific in present-day attempts at defending Christ’s omniscience
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knowledge of Christ
beatific vision
visio beatifica
consciousness of Christ

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Kumorek, M. (2020). Anthropological implications of visio beatific in present-day attempts at defending Christ’s omniscience. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 44(4), 23-38.


This article presents contemporary attempts to defend the omniscience of Christ derived from visio beatifica. This hypothesis still has many supporters, even though today its defense seems increasingly difficult. Discoveries in anthropology make it increasingly difficult to reconcile the omniscience of Christ in his human nature with the humanity we know. This article shows the most important attempts to defend the omniscience of Christ and His visio beatifica. Some of them focus on the defense of the concept of three-level knowledge proposed by Thomas Aquinas. Others try to modify the traditional concept to make it easier to reconcile with contemporary discoveries. An attempt will be made to indicate the weaknesses and strengths of the analyzed concepts. The final part of the article also proposes counterexamples, which supporters of Christ's visio beatifica should confront. Saint Mary's obedience to God's will despite the lack of visio beatifica, the implications of physical soteriological models and God's providence are these challenges.
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