Emotional intelligence of children and adolescents and their functioning in relations with peers
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emotional intelligence
interpersonal relations

How to Cite

Knopp, K. (2020). Emotional intelligence of children and adolescents and their functioning in relations with peers. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 44(4), 149-163. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v44i4.442


The paper discusses the issue of the correlation between the emotional intelligence of children and adolescents and their functioning in close peer relations. It deals with such indicators of interpersonal functioning as the way a person is perceived and assessed by his or her social environment, his or her popularity and acceptance in the peer group, as well as his or her tendency to be antisocial and aggressive towards colleagues. The article also addresses the issue of increasing the effectiveness of interpersonal functioning of children and young people by developing their emotional intelligence.

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