Empirical verification of the Circumplex Self-Motives Model
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Self Motives
Circumplex Self-Motives Model
Personalistic Concept of Personality

How to Cite

Stolarski, M. (2021). Empirical verification of the Circumplex Self-Motives Model. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 45(1), 17-29. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v45i1.456


The motives of the self have been the subject of psychological research for many years, while the concept is relatively new. The presented article contains an empirical verification of the Circumplex Model of Self-Motives based on the personalistic concept of personality proposed by H. Gasiul. The author, based on the results of searching for significant sources of human motivation, justified in his analyzes that the most important motives are those that result from the personal nature of man, and in particular from its attributes. The model of 12 self motives developed by H. Gasiul and W. Strus is the result of taking into account various categories of personal attributes and types of self motives indicated on the basis of various empirical psychological studies. The obtained data largely confirm the accuracy of the circular model of self motives and may also constitute the legitimacy of their hierarchical arrangement.

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