Mk 16:9-20 as the testimony to the truth about Jesus’ resurrection
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Roman. (2018). Mk 16:9-20 as the testimony to the truth about Jesus’ resurrection. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 36(4), 25-55. Retrieved from


The article includes a literary analysis and exegesis of the Longer Ending of the Gospel of Mark (Mk 16:9-20). The Longer Ending is not a Mark’s composition, it was added later. Mk 16:9-20 is a short reflection of the Easter tradition, a late parallel to 1 Kor 15:3-8, more precisely formed in the Gospels of Luke, Matthew and John.

The content of the Long Ending are at first the three appearances of the Risen Jesus, the third appearance of Jesus to the Eleven is connected with the precept of proclaiming the Gospel and the promise of signs. Then there is a narrative about the ascension and enthronement of Jesus, and about the mission of disciples carried out with the Lord's support.

In the Longer Ending the emphasis is put on faith as opposed to unbelief. The main message is contained in the sentence The one who believes and is baptized will be saved, but the one who does not believe will be condemned (Mk 16:16).

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