Good in the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Marital goods in the light of selected issues from Summa Theologica
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Elżbieta. (2018). Good in the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Marital goods in the light of selected issues from Summa Theologica. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 36(4), 124-136. Retrieved from


In the modern world we are witnessing a crisis of marriage. There is a tendency to avoid definite obligations in emotional relations. Instead of fidelity, a divorce, contraception and abortion mentality is on the rise. Children are seen as a threat to a comfortable lifestyle. The consumer society encourages individualism that does not respect the limits set out by natural law and God’s commandments. In this context, there was a need to present the “sound” doctrine of Saint Thomas on marital goods: fidelity, offspring, and sacrament. These concepts are deeply rooted in the rational vision of reality presented by realistic philosophy. This philosophy emphasizes the truth about the relational aspect of every being, and thus stands in opposition to a false belief in the self-sufficiency and independence of the individual. Saint Thomas points to the source and purpose of all beings: God. He consistently shows the dependence of creation on the Creator by emphasizing that it is God’s goodness that is for each and every thing the first beginning and model of goodness in things. He explains how good is related to being and love. As the most important aspect of matrimony he emphasizes its sacramental character, which is a superior “supernatural good”.

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