The concern for the comprehensive development of creative potential of the child in the family
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Irena. (2018). The concern for the comprehensive development of creative potential of the child in the family. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 36(4), 224-237. Retrieved from


Among many factors conditioning the development of a child, a favorable family environment has
a particular significance. The family should be a place of holistic, integral and comprehensive development of the child, giving the creative direction of his activity, supporting the development of abilities and skills and preparing the child for creative participation in social life. As numerous studies indicate, the most important features of a family that stimulates the development of a child's creative potential include: discovering and developing child's strengths and individualism, accepting dreams and unique interests, knowledge of developmental needs and adapting to them, encouraging exploration of the surrounding world and developing skills maintaining distance to traditional schemas, providing support for creativity, shaping creative self-esteem, efficient communication of family members (openness, trust, listening skills), examples of parents’ creativity, rich intellectual and creative stimulation. It is also necessary to have "reasonable love" (without excess of autocracy and caring) of parents who accept the individuality of their child.

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