The pedagogical consequences of understanding integral development
pdh (Język Polski)

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Olbrycht, K. (2018). The pedagogical consequences of understanding integral development. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 34(2), 7-26. Retrieved from


"Integration" has now become one of the most frequently raised slogans and postulates. It can be related to individuals and collectively. Although it means "to merge", "to unite", "at the same time", it is the concept used much more commonly than its synonyms. One could ask if the cause is not
a desire to protect yourself against such a literal, "merging" meaning. Its full acceptance would require thinking in terms of real, deep unity, not just superficial compilation of parts into a problematic, often apparent whole. Multilateralism does not necessarily lead to integration. In a way it concerns the inner development of a man who can seek integrating him "integrity" in the directional vision of humanity, or in the multiplication of experiences, competences, forms of activity and goals. In educational activities, the essence of which is to support development, the sense of "integrating" processes and activities is of great importance. It is possible to call the combination of various, incoherent stimuli, actions, situations by calling it "integration" to create an impression or cause unfounded belief that this way creates a new, more valuable quality. This quality is then more connected to the external "overall" form of action rather than supporting the integral development of the pupil. The reflection on the sense of the integrity of development becomes so important and urgent today in upbringing.

pdh (Język Polski)


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