Education about reproductive health is prerequisite for effective health-promotion strategies. Infertility is an increasing medical and social problem. Disorders of the menstrual cycle and spermatogenesis concern increasing number of young women and men. The prevention of infertility is based primarily on the knowledge of fundamental mechanisms of the human fertility and influencing factors including environment, lifestyle, diet and sexual behavior. Fertility, as an integral part of human health, should be promoted within the framework of pro-health policy programs addressed to young people.
Student research team “Physiology of Fertility” at the Department of Physiology of the Medical University of Gdansk conducted a survey among university students on their knowledge of reproductive health, fertility physiology and the Fertility Awareness-Based Methods. Group of 811 students of Universities of the metropolitan area of Gdansk, including Medical University of Gdansk, completed an online questionnaire consisting of 12 questions. Ten of them aimed to reveal knowledge of physiology of fertility and the Fertility Awareness-Based Methods. The other two questions, addressed exclusively to women, were to assess awareness of their own procreative health. It turned out that the basic knowledge of one's fertility and the menstrual cycle is unsatisfactory. Particularly worrying is disappointing knowledge among young men who may soon become husbands and fathers, as well as students of the Medical University of Gdansk, who aspire to become medical professionals providing counseling for patients in the reproductive age. Our data urge the need of undertaking educational activities among the youth of high school and universities to improve the knowledge about fertility. Greater awareness should promote responsible health behaviors regarding the prevention of infertility. It would be necessary to broaden the scope and increase the quality of modern FABMs courses at medical universities to increase knowledge and awareness among future medical staff members.
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