Self-awareness as a condition of life of the true Christianity
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Drozd, I. (2018). Self-awareness as a condition of life of the true Christianity. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 34(2), 250-269. Retrieved from


The essence of true Christianity is to know oneself, to discover the true depth of one's existence. If it is done in full consciousness, it becomes the life vocation of man. Of course, this is not a one-off act, but a process that requires time and perseverance. Man, who wants to discover his true face, should constantly reflect on the essence of his life, its beauty, greatness and dignity. Discovering the true face has two aspects: knowing your dignity, the beauty and the goodness that God has put into each of us, and your ability to become a temple of God, while at the same time knowing what this image of God distorts in you. How, then, do you enter the sanctuary of yourself and touch the divine mystery? How to become a person from whose interior streams of living water flow (cf. Jn 7:38)? Man must take up the effort of conversion, which is the transition from the state of unconsciousness to consciousness, and from the state of enslavement with sin to the state of freedom in the grace of the Holy Spirit. This is the path whose ultimate goal is to achieve real liberation and to enter into a new life. Despite the passage of time, the teaching of St. Anthony the Hermit retains its relevance and significance also for contemporary Christians. The presentation of the spiritual life in terms of spiritual struggle is
a reminder of the necessity of personal commitment and perseverance. Nowadays, when such notions as renunciation, generosity, and fidelity do not seem to find great resonance, this teaching can provide a valuable impulse to reflect on one's own existential attitude towards God, one's neighbor, and one's own self. It teaches consistency and generosity in fulfilling commitments once made and reminds us that it is only in loneliness that a human being can find true fulfilment and lasting joy.


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