The fullness of human development in the mystical union with God - based on the writings of Edith Stein
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Kożuchowska, E. (2018). The fullness of human development in the mystical union with God - based on the writings of Edith Stein. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 34(2), 270-283. Retrieved from


The goal of this article is to analyse Edith Stein's works to see what she says about human development and the purification of man’s powers, and to analyse the mystical union as the height of development. According to Edith Stein, every being is capable of development. Also man can grow, and the ultimate goal of that process is pictured in the Revelation. Edith Stein differentiates two goals of spiritual life, which she sees as a path that leads to the very centre of the human being and to union with God. On that way, a lot depends on man's decision, his efforts, and on God's activity, which prepares man for the union. A desire to imitate Christ is the beginning of that journey towards one’s inner centre. Prayer is the gate that opens up that path. Drawing on the concepts of Saint John of the Cross, Edith Stein presents the main stages in human development. The first step is the active night of the senses. Here one undertakes the combat with one’s own desires. The second level is the passive night of the senses, when God takes the initiative and effects passive purification. In that way, sensual goods and energies are transformed into spiritual ones. Then in the active night of the spirit, He purifies the mind by faith, memory by hope, and will by love. The soul is gradually submerged in darkness, a process that follows from contemplation. It is the love of God, who unites the soul with Himself. Man’s powers are transformed and focused on God alone. In the Cross, the soul reaches its utmost fulfillment.


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