The aim of the study was to determine the role of self-assessment and the assessments reflected in the quality of relations in close relationships. The theoretical frame of this part of the study is the relationship linking the Sexual Strategies Theory by Buss and Schmitt and Trifactorial Theory of Love by Robert Sternberg. In accordance with the theory multifaceted frame of love highlights a variety of its components, which may reveal relevant relationships, occur at various levels and in different layouts, creating different layouts for love. In our study, we assumed that the perceiving reciprocal behaviour and their attributes, and the partners validate the relationship is correlated with rating value of reproduction in terms of self-assessment and the assessments reflected.
The study involved 228 heterosexual participants between the age of 18-45 years old (M = 24.19, SD = 4,89). Quality and durability of close relationship was measured by the Relationship Quality Questionnaire – KJZ. Assessment of reproductive value in terms of self-assessment and the assessments reflected was measured using a Reproduction Values Scale – SWR.
The results were in line with the assumptions: perceiving reciprocal behaviour and their attributes, and the partners validate the relationship is correlated with rating value of reproduction in terms of self-assessment and the assessments reflected.
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