History of mineralogical research
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Maćkowska, R. (2018). History of mineralogical research . Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 34(2), 344-351. Retrieved from https://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/544


Mineralogy is one of the oldest scientific disciplines, dynamically developing over the centuries. This article will present the history of this field. The first documents containing information on minerals come from the Indian Veda (XI-X century BC) and Ramayama and Mahabharata (III-II century BC). In ancient times, Greek philosophers (Aristotle, Plato and Theophrastus of Ersos) and Roman (Pliny the Elder) also wrote about the minerals. The works of ancient writers concerned primarily the properties and recognition of gemstones as well as applications in medicine and magical rituals. The first minerals were described and classified based on their macroscopic features, such as color, gloss, hardness and crystal habit. More detailed methods of minerals research were developed in later ages. The significant development of physics in the fourteenth century and chemistry in the nineteenth century contributed to the progress of the science of minerals. Currently, the methods of mineral testing are at a very high level. Mineals are used properly in all branches of industry.


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