Transnational families as seen thought the prism of the experiences of children growing up in them


transnational family
family experiences

How to Cite

Nosek-Kozłowska, K. (2021). Transnational families as seen thought the prism of the experiences of children growing up in them. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 45(1), 125-136.


Economic migrations are a phenomenon that extends to many Polish families, causing changes in their structure and functioning. The effects of migration that affect the lives of children and young people brought up in transnational families seem to be particularly important.

Children from transnational families have specific family experiences because they are related to the economic migration of one of the parents, which is associated with his longer absence. The motives for the trip, time of separation, and everyday life in each transnational family are different, therefore children from these families have various life experiences and create images of family life in various ways.


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