Forgiveness and gratitude as predictors of the quality of the interpersonal relationship of adults siblings
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interpersonal relationship

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Walęcka-Matyja, K. K. (2021). Forgiveness and gratitude as predictors of the quality of the interpersonal relationship of adults siblings. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 45(1), 104-124.


The aim of the study was to determine the relationships between the dimensions of forgiveness and gratitude and the quality of the interpersonal relationship of siblings in early adulthood, to check whether they are predictors of the interpersonal relationship of siblings, and whether and how the dimensions of the interpersonal relationship of siblings are related to forgiveness motives.

The participants of the study were 200 people in early adulthood (M = 24; SD = 3.27) with adult siblings. The research was conducted in Poland.

The following research tools were used: the Adult Siblings Relationship Questionnaire (Walęcka-Matyja, 2014), the Forgiveness Scale (Charzyńska, Heszen, 2013), the Reasons for Forgiveness Questionnaire (Noworol, 2016), the Gratitude Questionnaire (Kossakowska, Kwiatek, 2014) and a questionnaire.

The research results showed a positive relationship between gratitude and the dimension of the relationship with siblings referred to as Warmth. The forgiveness variable was not statistically significantly associated with the dimensions of the interpersonal relationship of adult siblings. There were significant and expected relationships between the dimension of the interpersonal relationship of the Warmth siblings and the reasons for forgiveness. Variable gratitude turned out to be the predictor of the Heat factor in the relationship of adult siblings. Forgiveness did not explain any of the dimensions in the sibling interpersonal relationship.
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