Developmental Regularities and the Issue of Adopting Homosexual Orientation by Adolescents - a Review of Research and Opinions


sexual orientation
developmental factors

How to Cite

Margasiński, A., & Białecka, B. (2021). Developmental Regularities and the Issue of Adopting Homosexual Orientation by Adolescents - a Review of Research and Opinions. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 47(3), 239-260.


The article responds to practical dillemas of parents, psychologists or educators who come across teenagers declaring their homosexual orientation.  In this overview, the authors discuss primary developmental factors and they point out the dynamic specific of adolescence, comprising also a psychosexual growth. Current research review shows that sexual orientation has a developmental and often fluent character, mostly in a heterosexual direction, and that a research on homosexuality leads to the conclusion, that it's etiology is multifactoral, with predominance of environmental over  the genetic factors. For these reasons, early declarations of homosexual orientation uttered by teenagers rather should not be supported. At the end, a reader can find pieces of practical advice for psychologists, educators and parents.


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