Marital commitment of religious partners
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Janicka, I., & Kunikowska, J. (2021). Marital commitment of religious partners. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 45(1), 66-79.


The aim of the study was to assess the interpersonal commitment (emotional bond, perceived importance of the marital relationship and concern for the well-being of the partner) of homogamous and non-homogamous spouses in terms of religiosity.  108 married couples, i.e. 216 individuals, aged 23-62 years, participated in the study. All subjects described themselves as believers and religious. Demographic survey, standardized interview and Interpersonal Commitment Questionnaire were used for the study.  The results showed that the partners’ religious homogamy promotes their stronger and similar commitment as devotion and obligation, which bodes well for the marriage.  A threat to its sustainability may be the low commitment of husbands, which was found to be specific to religiously heterogamous relationships.
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