The quality of communication between spouses raised in nuclear and single-parent families


marriage communication
nuclear families
single-parent families
quality of marriage

How to Cite

Marmola, M., Ochojska, D., & Wańczyk-Welc, A. (2021). The quality of communication between spouses raised in nuclear and single-parent families. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 47(3), 286-308.


The article concerns marriage communication among husbands and wives coming from nuclear and one-parent families. The issue of marriage communication is a crucial factor determining its quality and stability. What is more, communicating spouses are the source of role models for their children. Research carried out among the group of 296 people (148 couples) by using Communication in Marriage Questionnaire (KKM) crated by Mieczyslaw Plopy and Maria Kaźmierczak indicates irregularities in the sphere of communication between spouses coming from one-parent families. Dysfunctional communication among couples mainly concerns the lower level of engagement in dialogue with a spouse and the high level of depreciation.

Key words: communication in the family, nuclear families, one-parent families, quality of marriage


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