Percepcja postaw rodzicielskich a nadzieja na sukces młodzieży

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Sabaj-Sidur, M. (2018). Percepcja postaw rodzicielskich a nadzieja na sukces młodzieży. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 34(2), 227-240. Pobrano z
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Determinants of the level of the hope for success are seen in relations with parents. Research has been carried out to find the answer to the question about the relationship between the perception of parental attitudes of mothers and fathers and the hope for success of adolescents. 150 high school students aged from 17 to 19 participated in the study. The Scale of Hope for the Success of Łaguna, Trzebiński and Zięba, The Scale of Parental Attitudes SPR-2 of Plopa in the version My Mother and My Father were used. A positive relationship was found between the accepting attitude and the overly protecting attitude for both parents and the hope for the success of the youth. In addition, it has been proven that consistent attitudes of both parents, characterized by high acceptance and autonomy, demand, consistency and moderate child protection, are beneficial for the high level of adolescents' hope. In conclusion, the hope for the success of the adolescents is connected with the parental attitudes perceived by the adolescents.



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