Bigger and the largest amber products
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Pielińska, A., & Pieliński, A. (2018). Bigger and the largest amber products . Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 34(2), 352-367. Pobrano z
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The limited dimensions of the raw material nodules have inspired the amber producers to master and improve the techniques of combining several or even a large number of matched elements to produce larger objects. Large fragile amber products, including intricate constructions and compositions, are a testimony to the development of science and technology, a valuable decoration of world museum collections and a balm for the soul of visitors. Large stocks of raw amber made it possible for Prussian King Fryderyk The Fist to commission an amber cabinet. The work was done in 1701–1713 by masters from Poland. Donated to Piotr The Great amber panels of Prussian King were supplemented by Italian artists – this is how the Amber Room was created. The lost chamber was reconstructed by a team of Russian amber artists in the years 1982–2003. Among the thousands of contemporary Polish amber artists stand out artists who masterly – assembly technique, stained-glass style or combined – construct impressive objects – they are created by: paintings, sculptures, furniture, altars. The largest of them is the Amber treasury of Lucjan Myrta and the Amber Altar of the Homeland, by Mariusz Drapikowski.

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