Analysis of the cultural identity of the Deaf
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Pieniążek, S., & Dankiewicz, M. (2018). Analysis of the cultural identity of the Deaf. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 34(2), 429-448. Retrieved from


In general opinion, it is believed that due to communication difficulties with the outside world, deaf and deaf-mute people were forced to create a hermetic environment of people with the same disability. The main goal of the article is to analyze the cultural identity of the Deaf in terms of factors that could contribute to its formation along with the language barrier. The mentioned analysis from the psychological perspective will be supplemented with consideration of the functioning specificity of people with hearing impairments, on the basis of selected categories of social inequalities in sociological terms. The application of an interdisciplinary approach to the present topic will allow
a more comprehensive answer to the question which elements contributed to the development of
a strong sense of intragroup identity in the community of deaf people.

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