The quality of life of people with autism and their families
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How to Cite

Kieżel, P. (2018). The quality of life of people with autism and their families . Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 34(2), 449-472. Retrieved from


In this article the author analyses the situation of a person with autism and their family from the moment of birth until their adult life. The author shows the concept of 'the quality of life' from different perspectives and presents the complexity of the problem connected with disability. He analyses the consequences resulting from the autism spectrum disorders, both for the child and their parents. The author describes the situation of the child's parents and the difficulties they have to face and also the process of accepting their child's disability that parents have to go through. He presents the conditions of effective help for the child and their family such as screening diagnosis, early clinical diagnosis, the choice of the properly prepared institution to guarantee specialist educational help and educational, upbringing and care conditions adapted to child's needs and psychophysical abilities. The author also presents the aspects of cooperation of specialists, teachers and tutors with the child's parents and underlines the importance of building the feeling of parents' strengths. Moreover, he describes the situation of people with autism after finishing education and entering independent adult life. He also shows governmental and non-governmental forms of support for, among other people, people with autism and their families.


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